I believe my whole life has been preparing me for this moment. I was born for such a time as this. In my book, "The You in You: Unveiling the You that's Hidden from View," I write about the many discussions—some seeming to last for hours—I've had with an unknown male being, his person hidden behind what appeared to be a white cloud, or veil, sitting on something in my presence, his identity diffused, making recognition impossible. From time to time, I wish I knew the subject of our discussions or the content of our talks. He seemed to be preparing me for something; at least that's the impression I received.
In my book, I refer to him as The Voice.
There was a buildup to The Project's idea, but I was unaware of it at the time. The buildup originated in three stages. The first stage began with the Super Blood Moon event and the revelation that followed. Periodically that night, I would stop what I was doing, walk out my front door, look to the east where the moon first appeared, and later as it passed overhead, assuming one new position after the other, as the night wore on. Some believed that the Super Blood Moon was a prediction of the end times, while others felt that it was a warning that an asteroid would hit the Earth, setting up and extinction event. Although I had dismissed the predictions and the prophecies around the event, I did, nevertheless, receive a foretaste of the end times, the end of the world. You may find it hard to believe, but that night, a few hours after watching the Super Blood Moon, I experienced the end of the world. Granted, I've never believed in a catastrophic ending to the world, as it can also end without a shot fired, or a bomb dropped. The world can end, then and there, at the coming of God's (Love's) Kingdom on Earth, and the doing of His Will, the Will of Love, a Will that's already done in Heaven.
The second stage began the morning after the Super Blood Moon event. I went to bed late that night as is my practice, hours after the moon had disappeared from the night sky. While meditating before earnestly seeking sleep, another practice, I noticed that things were different; something had changed. Something amazing, something unanticipated had occurred in the early morning hours. That day I wrote on my Facebook Timeline, "Did you feel it?" referencing the Super Blood Moon's impact on the world. What I felt wasn't the complete end of the world, but what seemed to have been a prelude to the event, a sample of what it would be like if the world were to end. For me, for what might have been hours, the world did end, and ended in a manner I hadn't expected. Experiencing the end of the world had answered another question I had frequently pondered over the years: How will it be possible to enter the Kingdom of God where we're told only peace and harmony reign, if we can't leave behind memories of our painful past—the misery, the disappoints, and the deep, throbbing hurt—that had beset us, from time to time, while in the world?
Thanks to the Super Blood Moon, I now had my answer, as well as the answer to another perplexing question: How will the world end?
The third, and final stage began with the burst of inspiration that accompanied the idea for this project, setting it in motion. The idea was born in that hour, months after I had been given the answer as to how the world would end—by bringing more Heaven (Love) on Earth—and the idea has been my constant companion from that moment. Now in possession of the method, I was charged with the task to begin the process, to make it happen, to bring Heaven, more Love, on Earth, the process that would usher in the Age of God, fulfilling the oft-repeated part of the Lord's Prayer,
"Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven."
(Matt 6: 10)
In another place on this website, I wrote of this internal explosion of inspiration, that the impartation of it was more than mental, it was physical as well, shaking me to my core.
Let me reiterate: While my religious orientation is Judeo-Christian, my project doesn't reject anyone because of their religion, or any other basis that divides the people of this world—their national origin, race, ethnicity, or creed, to name a few. Further, I'm keenly aware that all the world's religions don't necessarily agree as to what does—and what does not—constitute Heaven. Despite these differences, all are welcome to participate in the project, notwithstanding their concept of Heaven, or their belief regarding humankind's afterlife experience.
There's only one reason the people of this world haven't always experienced Heaven on Earth—individually or collectively. Regrettably, Heaven on Earth (Love and Perfection) continues to elude us. That reason is fear and fear's major offspring, worry and doubt. Without the presence of fear in the hearts and minds of people, most, if not all, of the world's ills would disappear overnight.
Instead, fear reigns as the god of this world, rather than Love, although Love is more powerful than fear, and will ultimately destroy it, but that may take time, unless we unite now, and combine our efforts by forging a united front against it.
Love is supreme, but that supremacy must be recognized and maintained, maintained to such an extent that fear ceases to exists, and Love is all that can be experienced in our thoughts and expressed in our world.
While meditating that morning after the Super Blood Moon event, I expected nothing to happen out of the ordinary, merely what usually happens during my meditations. But this time, things were different: Try as I might, I couldn't evoke fear or doubt. These two negative states of mind were seemingly blocked from my thoughts, as though a mental wall had been erected with a sign that said to fear and doubt, "NO TRESPASSING!" in bold capital letters.
This blockage of thought had never happened to me before: It had suddenly thwarted my free will. I was unable for what seemed like hours to think thoughts that were heretofore frequent visitors to my mind, unwelcome guests, to be sure, but who, nevertheless, insisted on entering the doors of my mind as uninvited, but persistent visitors. Without fear, then, the world would be overseen by Love alone, as Love is required to destroy fear. The Bible assures this in the following passage,
"There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear."
I John 4:18
As I stated previously, we have always known how to reclaim our world, but we applied the method on an individual basis, rather than a collective, worldwide basis, and usually for a brief time, rather than the application of a sustained effort, the only way to eradicate fear and Bring More Love on Earth to a fear-laden world. Thankfully, the world's access to computers, smart devices, and the Internet will facilitate our efforts to promote The Project, The SOULution.
When we collectively make Love perfect, our old adversary fear will be cast out and will remain cast out. At that time, Love will prevail, not only prevail but have the preponderance of influence in our world, making fear, worry, and doubt things of the past, as Love rises upon a new day, the Age of God.
Songwriters and others—inspired to promote the solution—have revealed it for all who listens:
"What the world needs now is love, sweet love, / No not just for some but for everyone."
- Burt Bacharach & Hal David -
Although the world's problem appears to be multifaceted—that is, having more than one source—it is, in fact, a one-source problem, suggesting that the solution to the problem, like the problem itself, stems from one source, hence a one-source solution. This one-source solution provides an antidote for the problem, but it must be appropriately applied to be effective. The key here is sustained energy, sustained love. The plan is to flood the world with love, to inundate it, and to sustain that inundation until we have completed our work. That's the imagery we want to use.